Custom Numbers printed on Jerseys & Shirts

We have you covered if you need to have numbers on your shirts or apparel printing.

From softball, baseball, football, basketball, soccer and other team sports jerseys to uniforms to many other applications.

custom_printed_number_jerzees_baseball_team_shirtsFootball BaseBall Jerzee number custom printing Team sports uniforms

We have more than what you see here! Call us if you need help finding the right custom sports team uniform numbers: 423-436-0333 Number options come in multiple sizes for multiple locations on a shirt or jersey. Some wish to have their numbers on the pants as well while others only option to have the number on the back in a larger size. Either way, we can help you with your vision on customizing numbering on your print need!ladies custom printing wicking tank top sports shirt

Sizes Available

4″          6″        8″         10″

Please call us and check sizing availability for our stock number fonts!

Below are examples of “some” of the stock and most popular number fonts used on team uniforms:


custom_printed numbers for jerzees baseball football basketball team_shirts

We have a great catalog of numbers in different fonts from something traditional to exotic numbering.

All-Star Numbers Custom Screen printing jeseys football baseball

Two Color Numbers for Team Sports Example:


Colors Available

Black Outlines: White/Black, Red/Black

Columbia Outlines: Navy/Columbia

Gold Outlines: Black/Gold, White/Gold, Dark Green/Gold, Maroon/Gold*, Navy/Gold, Purple/Gold, Red/Gold*, Royal/Gold

Grey Outlines: Black/Grey, Dark Green/Grey*, Navy/Grey, Red/Grey

Navy Outlines: Red/Navy

Orange Outlines: Black/Orange, Dark Brown/Orange*, Dark Green/Orange*, Navy/Orange, Purple/Orange*, Royal/Orange*

Red Outlines: Black/Red, White/Red, Navy/Red, Royal/Red

Vegas Gold Outlines: Black/Vegas Gold, Burgundy/Vegas Gold Navy/Vegas Gold

White Outlines: Black/White, Dark Green/White, Gold/White, Grey/White, Kelly/White, Maroon/White, Navy/White, Orange/White, Purple/White, Red/White, Royal/White, Vegas Gold/White

Great for Baseball, Football, Futbol, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, LaCrosse and other sports team uniform needs!

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